Issue - decisions

Disposal of Land in Derby Road

16/03/2010 - Disposal of Land in Derby Road

(i)  To agree to dispose of the site at Rope Walk, Derby Rd to facilitate the provision of a community facility and retention of the community garden.

(ii)  If negotiated agreement for disposal for community use, in accordance with recommendation (i) cannot be reached, to agree disposal for affordable housing use.

(iii)  In the event that recommendations (i) and (ii) cannot be achieved, to agree disposal on the open market.

(iv)  To determine that the disposal will contribute to the improvement of social well-being of residents.

(v)  Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Resources following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources and Workforce Planning and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services, the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and the Solicitor to the Council, to agree detailed terms of the disposal in line with the parameters set out in the Appendix to this report.

(vi)  Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods following consultation with the Cabinet Member for housing and Local Services, Solicitor to the Council, Head of finance and Head of Property and Procurement to agree the future management arrangements for the Community Garden.

(vii)  Delegate authority to the Solicitor to the Council, following consultation with the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Executive Director of Resources to do anything necessary to give effect to the proposals contained within this report.

18/01/2010 - Disposal of Land for an Affordable Housing Scheme in Derby Road

(i)  To agree to dispose of the site at Rope Walk, Derby Rd to a partner housing association to facilitate an affordable housing scheme and retention of the community garden.

(ii)  To determine that the disposal will contribute to the improvement of social well-being of residents.

(iii)  In the event that further grant is not available from the Homes and Communities Agency, to approve


  • The addition of a scheme to the Housing General Fund Capital Programme in the sum of £160,000 to provide grant aid to assist a partner Registered Social Landlord (RSL) to develop this site;
  • The equivalent reduction in the uncommitted provision within the Housing General Fund Capital Programme for the provision of grant aid to RSL’s for new social housing developments; and
  • For the purpose of Finance Procedure Rules, capital spending of up to £160,000 on this scheme.


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services, Solicitor to the Council, Head of Finance and Head of Property and Procurement to agree detailed terms of the disposal.

(v)  Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods following consultation with the Cabinet Member for housing and Local Services, Solicitor to the Council, Head of finance and Head of Property and Procurement to agree the future management arrangements for the Community Garden.