Issue - decisions

Changes to the opening hours at the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)

20/12/2016 - Changes to the opening hours at the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)

(i)  To re-programme the introduction of reduced opening hours at the HWRC to 1 October 2017.  The reduction in opening hours won’t come into effect until 1 October 2017 and are: two hours per day in the winter (11am – 4pm) and Monday – Friday in the summer (11am – 6pm).  By one hour per day on Saturday and Sunday in the summer (10am – 6pm) and to close the HWRC, one day per week on a Thursday each week. 

(ii)  That authority be delegated to the Service Director – Transactions and Universal Service, following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Transport, to implement all of the necessary operational and contractual changes and other actions for the recommendations to take effect.

(iii)  To note that any future changes need to be consistent as far as possible across Southampton City Council, Hampshire County Council (HCC) and Portsmouth City Council (PCC) as different opening times may result in increased numbers of visitors from outside the City and a resultant increase in disposal costs.