Issue - decisions

Approval for Phase Two of an Integrated Service for Crisis Response, Rehabilitation, Reablement and Hospital Discharge

16/02/2016 - Approval for Phase Two of an Integrated Service for Crisis Response, Rehabilitation, Reablement and Hospital Discharge

(i)  To note the consultation feedback and representations received, and after taking into account of the feedback and representations, to approve the implementation of Phase Two of the re-designed Integrated Service for Crisis Response, Rehabilitation, Reablement and Hospital Discharge. This implementation will include the closure of bed-based provision at the City Council facility, Brownhill House and redirection of resources into domiciliary care and more community focussed options of flexible bed based provision e.g. extra care housing.

(ii)  To approve the commissioning of an increasing proportion of domiciliary care from the Council’s new Domiciliary Care Framework (implemented from April 2015) where the unit costs of care are significantly lower; and over time reduce the proportion of care sourced from the Council’s in house Reablement Team (City Care First Support, CCFS) as vacancies occur through natural staff turnover.

(iii)  To approve a formal consultation about future employment/roles with all relevant affected staff in the City Council on the implementation of Phase Two, as set out in paragraph 61 of this report.

(iv)  To delegate authority to Director of Quality and Integration and Service Director: Legal and Governance following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care to do anything necessary to give effect to the Phase Two proposals incorporating any changes resulting from the staff consultation. 

(v)  To approve the inclusion of the Council’s budgets for the Hospital Discharge Team (£0.52m) and the Reablement Team (£1.18m) in the Rehabilitation and Reablement Scheme of the Section 75 Better Care Partnership Agreement Pooled Fund to enable costs and savings to be shared in this way as outlined in paragraph 75.

(vi)  To approve delegated authority to the Section 151 Officer to agree additional investment of up to£0.400M to enable the commencement of the “invest to save” proposals as outlined in paragraphs 88-93.

(vii)  To note the potential to explore further usage or potential disposal of Brownhill House is outside of the remit of this work programme, and will be the subject of a future separate Cabinet report.