Issue - decisions

General Fund Revenue Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19

18/11/2015 - General Fund Revenue Budget 2016/17 to 2018/19

(i)  Note the consultation on the Executive’s draft budget proposals will commence on 19 November and note the consultation proposals and methodology set out in paragraphs 95 to 102 and Appendix 1 of this report.

(ii)  Note the high level forecast for the General Fund for 2016/17 onwards contained in paragraph 20.

(iii)  Note the pressures which have been included in the forecast which are set out in paragraphs 29 to 37.

(iv)  Note the Executive’s initial savings proposals put forward for consultation in Appendix 2 which amount to £13.0M.

(v)  Note that the Executive’s initial savings set out in Appendix 2 propose the deletion of 182.82 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) posts, of which 31.01FTE are vacant, leaving 151.81FTE at risk of redundancy or TUPE transfer.

(vi)  Note that the Executive’s budget proposals for consultation are based on the assumption that they will recommend a Council Tax increase of 1.99% to Full Council.

(vii)  Note the Medium Term Financial Strategy Model for 2016/17 to 2019/20 contained in paragraph 22.

(viii)  Approve the updated budget setting timetable contained in paragraph 103.

(ix)  Note that work is in train to deliver significant service transformation across the Council, which will continue to aid the formulation of proposals for future service provision to support the Council’s medium term budget position.

(x)  To approve the establishment of a Social Enterprise Fund as per paragraph 72.

(xi)  To note the reserves and balances position set out in paragraphs 73 to 76, including the School Balances Position Statement set out in Appendix 3.

(xii)  Delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to do anything necessary to give effect to the proposals contained in this report.