Issue - decisions

Consultation on proposed changes to the General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget

15/07/2014 - Consultation on proposed changes to the General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget

(i)  To add £1.3M to the Environment & Transport Capital Programme for a new scheme ‘Unclassified Roads – Carriageway Resurfacing’ to be funded from the following sources:-

(a)  A grant of £233,000 awarded from the Department for Transport’s Pothole Repair Fund 2014/15;

(b)  Local Transport Plan grant for Highways Maintenance of £425,000 available from scheme under spends in 2013/14;

(c)  Local Transport Plan grant for Integrated Transport of £295,000 available from the deletion of the ‘Improved Safety 2014/15 – Engineering’ project.

(d)  Direct Revenue Financing available from the Highways Strategic Partnership Third Party Income surplus for 2013/14 (£126,000) and a one-off contribution from the On Street Car Parking Surplus Account (£221,000) following a favourable outturn position in 2013/14 mainly due to staff savings. 

(ii)  To approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £1.3M in 2014/15 on the ‘Unclassified Roads – Carriageway Resurfacing’ scheme within the Environment & Transport Capital Programme to help improve the condition of the roads network.

(iii)  Notes the high level revenue forecast for the General Fund for 2015/16 as detailed in paragraph 13.

(iv)  Note the Executive’s proposals for savings as set out in the Appendix to this report and approve their release for consultation, where appropriate.

(v)  Note that formal consultation on the relevant proposals as set out in Appendix 1 will now commence with trades unions, affected staff and any people or organisations affected by the proposals to ensure all options have been considered.

(vi)  Note the spending pressure for Pay and Allowances as set out in paragraph 10.

(vii)  Note the spending initiative to support the Council’s approach to Customer Services as set out in paragraph 12.

(viii)  Note the change to the Council’s minimum revenue provision as outlined in paragraphs 27 – 30 which released £4.5M of revenue in year benefit in 2013/14 and £0.6M in future years.

(ix)  Delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources and Leisure to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this report.

(x)  To instruct officers to implement savings at the earliest date to secure benefits in 2014/15.