Issue - decisions

Implementing the Council Strategy 2014-2017

15/07/2014 - Implementing the Council Strategy 2014-2017

(i)  Note and endorse the work that has been completed and the work currently planned or underway as the part of the implementation of the One Council Transformation Programme, as detailed in this report.

(ii)  Approve the establishment of a single approach to the customer model for the Council.

(iii)  Approve, as part of the customer model, the establishment of a single ‘front door’ for customers of services within the People Directorate (adults, housing and children) as set out in this report.

(iv)  Delegate authority to the Chief Executive following consultation with the Cabinet Members for Resources & Leisure and Education & Change to agree and implement the final option for the single ‘front door’ and the associated investment needed to deliver it.

(v)  Approve the proposal for a new model for business support as set out in paragraphs 87 – 93 of this report.

(vi)  Authorise the Assistant Chief Executive to implement further phases of the Business Support Project as detailed in paragraph 94.

(vii)  Note and endorse the governance arrangements as set out in paragraphs 97 – 101 of this report.

(viii)  Note that further reports on the transformation programme will be brought forward to Cabinet and Council over the next six months.

(ix)  Authorise the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Cabinet Members for Resources & Leisure and Education & Change to take any further action necessary to give effect to the content of this report.