Issue - decisions

Award of Substance Misuse Tender

17/06/2014 - Award of Substance Misuse Tender

Having complied with paragraph 15 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules.


(i)  approve the award of the three contracts which make up the substance misuse tender to the providers and on the key terms and conditions set out in Confidential Appendix 1.

The service model consists of three distinct services, which have been procured in accordance with the council’s Contract Procedure Rules and the European Procurement Regulations. This has been a two-stage procedure, which requires a pre-qualification of suitable candidates, who are then short-listed and invited to submit tenders, based on the specifications and terms and conditions provided by the council.

The three elements are:

a) Early Support and Planning service (Young People aged 11 – 24 years)

b) Assessment, Review, Monitoring and Recovery co-ordination service

c) Delivery of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Recovery service


(ii)  To delegate authority to the People Director, following consultation with the Head of Finance and IT and the Head of Legal & Democratic Services to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendation above including, but not limited to progressing to contractual and financial close and entering into any associated or ancillary documents necessary to give effect to the contracts.