Issue - decisions

*Feasibility work for Thornhill District Energy scheme

15/10/2013 - Feasibility work for Thornhill District Energy scheme

(i)  To approve for the purposes of the Financial Procedure Rules, expenditure of £120,000 to undertake preparatory work in relation to the proposed Thornhill District Energy Scheme, including consultation with residents, securing planning permission, finalising ECO grant funding and preparations to tender for a Design, Build, Operate and Maintain contract in relation to the scheme, provision for which exists in the 2013/14 HRA revenue budget, with formal contract commitment decision making reports to be presented to Council by November 2013.

(ii)  Note that the detailed financial business case setting out the implications for the GF, HRA and tenants who will be connected to the scheme is currently being prepared and that this will be reported to Council in November.