Issue - decisions

Eastern Cycle Route (LSTF) (Local Sustainable Transport Fund) project - Funding Approval

20/08/2013 - Eastern Cycle Route (LSTF) (Local Sustainable Transport Fund) project - Funding Approval

Modified recommendations:


(i)  To rename the existing capital scheme called the “LSTF - Super Cycle Highways” to “Eastern Cycle Corridor (LSTF)” contained within the Environment & Transport Capital Programme and to increase the scheme, from £888,000 to £1,901,000 an increase of £1,013,000, funded by the following capital additions:

(a)  The addition of £358,000 of Site Specific Section 106 Contributions to the scheme.

(b)  The acceptance and addition of £375,000 of Department for Transport (DfT/Sustrans) Cycle Safety Fund government grant to the scheme.

(c)  The addition of £280,000 of LTP government grant (2014/15 allocation) to the scheme.

(ii)  To approve total capital expenditure of £1,901,000 for the Eastern Cycle Corridor (LSTF) scheme phased £1,121,000 in 2012/13 £996,000 in 2013/14 and £667,000 in 2014/15.