Issue - decisions

Community Infrastructure Levy and Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document Adoption

16/07/2013 - Community Infrastructure Levy and Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document Adoption

(i)  To recommend the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule, the statement of Statutory Compliance (contained within the Charging Schedule) and the Community Infrastructure Levy Instalments Policy (Appendices 1and 4) to Council for approval;

(ii)  To approve the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (Appendix 3) and to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Transport and Sustainability to approve the necessary amendments to Appendix A: Commuted Sums Tables contained therein; and

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Head of Planning Transport and Sustainability to establish the procedure, following consultation with the Leader of the Council, for how neighbourhood funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy will be allocated.