Issue - decisions

Evening Parking Charges

16/07/2013 - Evening Parking Charges

(i)  To amend the Strategic Level Parking Policy (previously approved by Cabinet on the 17 March 2008) to allow the establishment of the principle of charging for evening parking charges.

(ii)  To delegate to the Head of Transport, Highways and Parking, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, to determine detailed proposals, including costs, permit schemes and advertise Traffic Regulation Orders for evening charges, in accordance with the new policy.

(iii)  To note that the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for evening charges will propose the following:

·  A flat rate charge of £2 to apply in the on street city centre  pay & display zone from 6pm until 8pm after which time it will be free;

·  Multi storey car parks already charging in the evenings will see no change;

·  Evening car park charges to be introduced in city centre surface car parks at a flat rate of  £2 from 6pm to midnight;

·  That the overnight annual car park season ticket  charges are reduced from £250 to £150 and that this offer apply to all car parks in the city centre boundary as defined by the map in appendix 4;

·  That the maximum period of stay in the Red Zone during chargeable hours is increased to 2 hours.