Agenda item

Master Plan for Estate Regeneration for Townhill Park

Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing, seeking to set the strategic direction of the Local Housing Authority in relation to the housing provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in order that consultation with stakeholders is undertaken, attached.




On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for HousingCabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing on the principles of the Townhill Park Regeneration Framework and Master Plan based on the modified Central Park option and to delegate authority to the Director of Economic Development to finalise the Townhill Park Regeneration Framework and Master Plan including commissioning and approving studies following consultation with Director of Environment, Head of Finance and IT and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Leader of the Council.

(ii)  To approve in principle the redevelopment of Townhill Park in three phases with the following zones in each phase:

Phase 1 comprising zones 1, 11 (interim uses), 25, 34, and 35

Phase 2 comprising zones 9, 11 (redevelopment), 12,19 20, 27 and 28

Phase 3 comprising zones 13, 14, 17, 24, 29, 30, and 33

including additional open space improvements incorporated in the Master Plan

and to delegate authority to the Director of Economic Development, following consultation with the Director of Environment, Head of Finance and IT and the Cabinet Member for Housing to move or amend zones within phases following completion of the remaining studies and to decide when to implement the additional open spaces and highways improvements incorporated in the Master Plan.

(iii)  To approve the virement of £156,000 in 2012/13 from the uncommitted Estate Wide provision for Estate Regeneration to the Townhill Park Master Plan budget in 2012/13 to enable the remaining studies to be completed and to increase, in accordance with finance procedure rules, approved spending limits for Townhill Park by the same amount.

(iv)  To delegate authority to serve Initial Demolition Notices as appropriate on all 3 Phases of the proposed redevelopment to the Director of Economic Development following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services and Head of Finance and IT. 

(v)  Subject to the affordability assessment, the availability of relevant HRA and General Fund budgets and the completion of the assessment of the delivery options:

·  To implement the current Decant Policy in relation to Phase 1 only,

·  To delegate authority to the Senior Manager Property and Procurement to negotiate and acquire by agreement any legal interests or rights held in respect of Phase 1, not held by the Council, using such acquisition powers as the Head of Legal HR and Democratic Services advises.  In each case subject to confirmation from Capita, acting as independent valuers, that the price represents the appropriate Market Value.





·  To delegate authority to the Director for Economic Development, following consultation with the Director of Environment, Head of Finance and IT and Cabinet Member for Housing, and Senior Manager Property and Procurement to:

o  Produce a Development Brief for Phase 1

o  Undertake a procurement process using the Homes and  Communities Agency’s Delivery Partner Panel (HCA DPP) Framework for Phase 1.

(vi)  To note that there will be a further report to Cabinet in due course seeking authority to approve a preferred bidder and seeking consent to dispose of the sites in Phase 1.


Supporting documents: