Agenda item

Delivery of Affordable Housing on Council Land through the Council Framework

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Green Environment seeking approval for the first tranche of sites to be transferred using the Councils’ Affordable Housing Framework.


DECISION MADE: (CAB 22/23 35493)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Green Environment, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the list of sites included in Appendix 1 as the first tranche for transfer to Affordable Housing Providers (AHPs) through the city council framework.

(ii)  To delegate any further decisions relating to the terms for transfer or implementation of the recommendations of this report to the Executive Director of Place following consultation with:

-  Cabinet Member for Housing and Green Environment

-  Executive Director for Corporate Services

-  Executive Director for Wellbeing and Housing

-  Director Human Resources and Governance

including the tenure mix for each site and any specific housing requirements.


(iii)  To delegate approval to the Executive Director of Place following consultation with the:

-  Cabinet Member for Housing and Green Environment

-  Executive Director for Corporate Services

-  Executive Director for Wellbeing and Housing

-  Director of Human Resources and Governance

to identify and include further plots for tender through the city council framework subject to achieving best value for the sites and only for those sites where the valuation of the site is within officer delegated powers.

Supporting documents: