Agenda item

The Revenue Budget 2022/23, Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Programme

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets detailing the Revenue Budget 2022/23, Medium Term Financial Forecast (MTFS) for the period 2022/23 to 2025/26. It provides detail to inform Council in setting Council Tax and rents for 2022/23.  The report also details the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Strategy and Programme for the period 2021/22 to 2026/27.




Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets detailing the Revenue Budget 2022/23, Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Programme.  The report also detailed the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Strategy and Programme for the period 2021/22 to 2026/27.


The report identifies how the 2022/23 budget has been balanced since the shortfall report at Cabinet in December, which was £9.01M.  It outlines how additional funds arising from the local government finance settlement and also applying a further £6.8M allocation (to make £8.5M in total) of funds from a one off surplus from the 2020/21 outturn position have helped both balance the budget and meet new pressures arising since December.


Details of the budget and capital programme are included in the following appendices to the report:

Appendix 1 The Revenue Budget 2022/23 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022/23 to 2025/26

Appendix 2 The Capital Strategy & General Fund Programme 2021/22 to 2026/27

Appendix 3 The HRA Budget 2022/23 and Capital Programme 2021/22 to 2026/27


There are 3 very minor changes to the figures within the report at Annex 2 of Appendix 2 (the Capital Programme for the General Fund) where 2 overall spending totals on the line by line figures on particular capital projects and also 1 funding total were incorrectly shown. These did not impact on anything within the recommendations or the overall total of the Capital Programme proposed.


The recommendations therein were moved by Councillor Hannides and seconded by Councillor Fitzhenry.


The Council agreed to suspend Council Procedure Rules 14.2, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9 and 16.2:-


(i)  to enable any amendments to be proposed, seconded and considered at the same time;

(ii)  to enable any amendment to be re-introduced later into the meeting; and

(iii) to revise the time allowed for speakers as follows:-


Movers of motions - 20 minutes

Seconders - 10 minutes

Other Speakers - 4 minutes

Right of Reply (Executive only) – 10 minutes


Amendment moved by Councillor Chaloner and seconded by Councillor Kaur, attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes. 




NOTE – FOR THE AMENDMENT: Councillors Bogle, Bunday, Chaloner, Coombs, Cooper, Denness, Fielker, Hammond, Kataria, Kaur, Leggett, Margetts, McEwing, Mitchell, Noon, Paffey, W Payne, Rayment, Renyard, Savage, Shields, Spicer and Windle.


NOTE – AGAINST THE AMENDMENT: Councillors J Baillie, P Baillie, Bell, Fitzhenry, Fuller, D Galton, G Galton, S Galton, Guest, Hannides, B Harris, L Harris, Harwood, Houghton, Laurent, Magee, Moulton, J Payne, Prior, Stead, Streets, Vassiliou and White.


The Mayor used his casting vote against the Amendment.




RESOLVED that the Revenue Budget 2022/23, Medium Term Financial Strategy, and Capital Programme be adopted as detailed in the report recommendations. 


NOTE: All Members of the Council declared a pecuniary interest in the above matter, as payers and setters of Council Tax, and remained in the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


NOTE – FOR THE SUBSTANTIVE MOTION: Councillors J Baillie, P Baillie, Bell, Fitzhenry, Fuller, D Galton, G Galton, S Galton, Guest, Hannides, B Harris, L Harris, Harwood, Houghton, Laurent, Magee, Moulton, J Payne, Prior, Stead, Streets, Vassiliou and White.


NOTE – ABSTAINED THE SUBSTANTIVE MOTION: Councillors Bogle, Bunday, Chaloner, Coombs, Cooper, Denness, Fielker, Hammond, Kataria, Kaur, Leggett, Margetts, McEwing, Mitchell, Noon, Paffey, W Payne, Rayment, Renyard, Savage, Shields, Spicer and Windle.











Supporting documents: