Agenda item


Report of the Director of Legal & Business Operations detailing proposed changes to the Constitution, attached.


Councillor Hammond, Leader moved the report of the Service Director Legal and Business Operations detailing the Annual Review of the Council’s Constitution and Councillor Keogh seconded.




(i)  That the changes to the Constitution and associated arrangements as set out in the report be agreed;

(ii)  That the Service Director Legal & Business Operations be authorised to finalise the arrangements as approved by Full Council and make any further consequential or minor changes arising from the decision;

(iii)  That the Service Director Legal and Business Operations be authorised to convene a task and finish cross party working group after consultation with the Group Leaders to report back to Council in July 2020 with options regarding Members Questions at Council; and

(iv)  That the City Council’s Constitution, as amended, including the Officer Scheme of Delegation, for the Municipal Year 2020-21 be approved.


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