Agenda item

Other Events and Linked Work

Discussion over recent/future events and linked work requiring SACRE attention, including:


  Mayflower 400 - Update


AP noted that the SACRE advice document was still a work in progress and gave the committee a moment to read and reflect on the content. AP explained that a lot of the difficulty in completed the document was due to the very specific wording required in the questions and answers that are being proposed. AP highlighted that there are issues being discussed in the document that individuals will view differently. AP also stated that it is the school’s responsibility to choose how they will deliver the material. In regards to whether this material is directed towards primary or secondary school, AP confirmed that it is aimed at both and set out in the DFE statutory guidance but with secondary schools getting more emphasis on sexual education, in primary statutory content is relationships education and cannot be withdrawn from.


AP noted that if schools want to teach beyond the curriculum, parents have the right to withdraw their child from the lessons. AP suggests that schools have to make it clear to parents what is statutory in a child’s education. Cllr VL queried which schools would be subject to this document, to which AP replied that maintained, academy and free schools will be subject to it, however independent schools will teach their own curriculum. KM asked whether puberty is a statutory subject in sex education and AP responded that it is in the statutory national science curriculum.


AP stated that the plan is to get the document finalised and distributed by January (ACTION), which would allow schools to plan their curriculum for the long term. AP explained that the parents will be the key for the success of this. AP noted that she had received comments from parents regarding the current teachings at their children’s school and asking for her opinion. AP stated that she referred the parents to talk to the schools and emphasised the importance of parent group discussions.


AP highlighted that she had tried to communicate a suggestion for a half term plan as well as a long term plan, which will give schools the opportunity to react to current events and issues that may be arisen in their specific communities.


It is discussed that some faith communities may not want their children to be taught certain aspects of the curriculum due to it contradicting their beliefs. AP suggested that schools have to agree on a policy on how they will handle withdrawal requests. RW recommended that if schools are aware of particular families with specific beliefs, it could be appropriate for the schools to contact them beforehand. AP added that if children are not able to receive the correct teachings in school there is the fact that they may go to less reliable sources for education, such as the internet independently of their parents.


In regards to progressing with the document AP stated that she will liaise with RG and look to get it finished in a fortnight. After completion, AP stated that it would have to be reviewed by legal then circulated to SACRE for approval, finally, upon approval, it will then be sent to a publishing team.


Actions arising:

·  Document to be completed by the 6th December. AP to circulate but not to anyone outside of the SACRE committee. EJ to proof read upon completion