Agenda item

Action Planning Group Meetings

To provide updates on:

·  2018-19 Films  (Verbal + Presentation)    (AP, AK)

·  Monitoring Group (Verbal)    (AP, KM, HB, DJ, RW, EJ



2018-2019 Films

Two short film were shown to the committee. AP explained that the films were created by students at Southampton Solent University. AP highlighted that both films took a very broad approach to the brief. One approach looked at language from a faith perspective, the other looked at the development of collective worship.

AP confirmed that all measures were carried out to ensure that these videos could be published for public view. These measures included DBS checks for the students filming in the school and paperwork from the children’s parents that agree for the video to be viewed publicly. EJ noted that if there are any complaints about the films, it can be agreed to remove them from public viewing.

In regards to organising more films to be produced in the future AP confirmed that there has been positive feedback from the schools and the pupils. AP credited a lot of the work done by Allan King, who gives a lot of his time to organising these videos being made. AP explained that a number of primary schools are interested in collaborating with SACRE and creating videos. AP also highlighted that there has been difficulty involving some schools due to the timeframe of the university student’s projects.

AP noted that time for pitching further videos would be approaching soon. AP reported that a discussion on what will be on the pitch needs to take place, although the students have their own approach on how to produce the films. AP suggested filming an RE lesson so that the model of an RE lesson in school could be observed. DJ queried if there was a maximum length for these videos to which AP confirmed that it is four and a half minutes but there may be room for negotiation.

Action arising:

·  For the videos to be posted online for public view, granting Pauline Abbott is in agreement

·  Discussion to take place regarding what the next pitches should include


Monitoring Group

AP stated that the amount of schools to have received a Monitoring Group visit will be up to 74% by the end of year. AP reported that there are 13 schools awaiting a visit this year, with 11 of these agreeing dates. AP confirmed that these dates will be sent to the Monitoring Groups over the next couple of weeks and visits will be discussed. AP stated that it is on track for all local schools to have a monitoring visit, or at least be offered one. AP confirmed that two schools had asked for a deferment, which they are entitled to. EJ enquired as to whether there will be any new schools to be aware of. AP replied that there will be one new school in Shirley but it would not be open until 2022. It is discussed that anyone wanting to join a monitoring group has to agree to be subject to a DBS check. AP will organise over the next couple weeks for anyone wishing to join visits and will confirm dates in January, first visits are in March so will most likely be after Christmas.


Action arising:

·  Anyone wanting to join the Monitoring Groups to confirm their interest over the next coming weeks

·  All monitoring group members to ensure that their SACRE id cards are up to date