Agenda item

Announcements from the Mayor

Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor.


(i)  Welcome to New Members


The Mayor thanked all Members for their support in electing him as Mayor and welcomed to the meeting all those councillors who were attending their first meeting together with those who had successfully defended their seats.


(ii)  Former City Councillor, Mayor and Honorary Alderman Pat Allan


The Mayor announced with sadness that former Councillor, Mayor and Honorary Alderman Pat Allan who had served as a Councillor from 1972 until 1997, held the position of Mayor in 1980 and was appointed as an Honorary Alderman in 2001 had passed away.  His Funeral took place on 9th May and was commemorated by a drive by of the Civic Offices and Guildhall at the request of his family.  Members stood for a minute’s silence as a mark of respect.


(iii)  Meeting Protocol


The Mayor referred to the need for meetings to run efficiently and effectively, and asked Members to keep in mind throughout the year the basic courtesies that needed to be adhered to both in timeliness in arriving at the meeting and listening carefully to the arguments.


The Mayor further requested that for the benefit of the public, Members remain in the seat allocated, or if they wished to move, they give notice of their intention prior to the next meeting so that the copies displayed in the public could be amended.


(iv)  Social Media


For the benefit of new Members, the Mayor referred to the wi-fi that was available in the Council Chamber and that the use of mobile electronic devices could therefore be used in the Chamber and in Committee Meetings.


The Mayor urged Members to use their good sense and behave with courtesy, particularly in not tweeting messages which would otherwise be in breach of the Council’s rules or the law. For example, tweeting material discussed in confidential session would be a serious breach.


The Mayor also informed Members that as in previous years there was a £25 fine for mobile phones ringing and this would go to the Mayor’s charity.


(v)  Training


The Mayor reminded Members of a number of training sessions that had been arranged and encouraged both new and existing Councillors to attend.


(vi)  ABP Southampton Marathon


The Mayor announced that the 22nd April had seen the ABP Southampton Marathon take place for the fourth year.  Special congratulations were given to the winning marathon runner, Richard Waldron, from Revenue and Benefits, who completed the marathon in 2hours and 40mins.


(vii)  Change of Agenda Order for Today’s Meeting


The Mayor announced that following agreement from Group Leaders agenda item 6 – Election of the Leader of the Council would take place at this point of the business in order that the new Leader could present the 2018 Employee Awards.


(viii)  Employee Awards


The Leader presented the following awards:


Employee of the Year Award:

  • Chris Dartnall – Cleaner, Adults, Housing and Communities Team


Manager of the Year:

·  Amber Searle – Assistant Team Manager, Adoption Team, Children and Families


Team of the Year:

·  Alternative Weekly Collection Project Team, Waste and Recycling


Most Thanked Team of 2017

·  Protection and Court Teams