Agenda item

Matters referred by the Council or by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee for Reconsideration

Report of Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, seeking a response to recommendations made by the Committee at the meeting held on 18th August, 2015, regarding Decision Number CAB 15/16 15193 – The Future of the Southampton Library Service, attached. 



Following the Call-in, Cabinet reconsidered the decision taken on 18th August, 2015 taking into account recommendations put forward by Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee held on 10th September, 2015, as follows:


The following recommendations from OSMC were addressed by Cabinet, at the meeting on 15th September:


(i)  that Cabinet commits to ensure flexibility within timescales for community led initiatives to be established within the six libraries should formal arrangements not be in place by 31 March 2016;

Some flexibility could be permitted, however the savings figure identified is based on the council ceasing to provide a service from these libraries by the 31st March 2016.


(ii)  that, to enable effective scrutiny, Cabinet clarifies the timetable and the process for the establishment of community led libraries;

The detailed timescale will be clarified once a decision has been taken. If a decision is taken on the 15th September, the timescale would be as follows:

Week beginning 21st September 2015


Information Packs Available

7th October 

Question and Answer Session

Also an opportunity to meet other organisations interested with a view to developing partnerships

19th  October

Deadline for Expressions of Interest

9th November or earlier 

Organisations advised if they are to be given the opportunity to progress to the next stage.

18th January 2016

Deadline for Stage 2 documents to be submitted

8th February  2016

Confirm successful organisations

19th February  2016

Deadline for signing of lease and partnership agreement in order to begin shadow period

1 March 2016

Opportunity for community groups to shadow Library Service Staff

1 April 2016

Community Group Lease to commence


(iii)that Cabinet identifies the financial support the Housing Revenue Account would be able to provide in relation to the Library Service;

As previously advised, the HRA cannot support the core costs of the library service. HRA funding must be used only for the benefit of its tenants.

The concept of providing support to help people get online, is something that the HRA could support, given the importance of digital skills. This kind of activity also has the option of being supported by National Lottery funding in association with a community group. Housing officers will be pursuing this project.


(iv)  that Cabinet provide details, including outcomes, of discussions that had taken place with other local authorities regarding sharing library services;


Officers have met with officers from Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth City Council and IOW on 8 occasions to examine opportunities for joint working, share progress on Library transformation projects and establish if any opportunities existed for integration. Whilst dialogue continues, no proposals for integration have yet been made, with projects continuing in different timelines.

It should be noted that integration with other authorities cannot provide any guarantee of maintaining service levels and delivery models. Both Hampshire and IOW for example are currently engaged in Community libraries, and service rationalisation.

(v)  that, due to the change in location and increased usage since the consultation commenced, Cabinet review the position in relation to Millbrook Library;

Whilst the use has increased, this is not significant enough for the position in relation to Millbrook library to change. For the period from April to the end of July 2015 in the new location the Millbrook Library still has the lowest numbers of Issues, visitors and sessions of computer use.

(vi)  that a confidential briefing be provided to Members ahead of Full Council on the Expressions of Interest received on the Library Service.


This is being provided, subject to discussion with the Leader and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


Cabinet confirmed their decision taken on 18th August, 2015.


Supporting documents: