Agenda item

Annual Review of the Constitution

Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services reviewing and updating the Council’s Constitution, attached.




(i)  That the changes to the Constitution and associated support arrangements as set out in the report be approved;


(ii)  that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to finalise the arrangements as approved by Full Council and make any further consequential or minor changes arising from the decision of Full Council;


(iii)  that the City Council’s Constitution, as amended, including the Officer Scheme of Delegation for the municipal year 2015/16 be approved;


(iv)  that the Head of Strategic HR be delegated authority the operational requirements to comply with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 as referred to in the revised Officer Employment Procedure Rules;


(v)  that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be delegated authority, following consultation with the Director, Place and Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, to determine a revised local threshold for parking petitions and to amend the Council Petition Scheme accordingly.


The report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services was submitted detailing the annual review of the Council’s Constitution.




(i)  that the changes to the Constitution and associated support arrangements as set out in the report be approved;


(ii)  that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to finalise the arrangements as approved by Full Council and make any further consequential or minor changes arising from the decision of Full Council;


(iii)  that the City Council’s Constitution, as amended, including the Officer Scheme of Delegation for the municipal year 2015/16 be approved;


(iv)  that the Head of Strategic HR be delegated the operational requirements to comply with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 as referred to in the revised Officer Employment Procedure Rules; and


(v)  that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be delegated authority, following consultation with the Director, Place and Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, to determine a revised local threshold for parking petitions and amend the Council Petition Scheme accordingly.

Supporting documents: