Agenda item

Executive Business

Report of the Leader of the Council, attached.


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to Questions.


Arising from the Executive Business report, the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care clarified that the wording contained in paragraph 13 of the report could have been made clearer in respect of Woodside Lodge Residential Home. Whilst the Council was consulting on the re-provision of services with a view to recommendations in due course coming forward, one of the options might include closure, however this might not be the only option that would be recommended to Council once the consultation period had been concluded.


The following questions were then submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:


1.  Library Review


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Barnes-Andrews


What is the latest regarding the Administration's Library Review?




Substantial progress has been made in undertaking the Needs Assessment and reviewing possible options for the future of the service. The intention is to seek agreement from Cabinet in October to consult on the future of the service and to commence the consultation during November 2014.


2.  Fly Tipping


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Rayment


Given the amount of fly tipping in Freemantle at the moment what measures are being taken to tackle the problem?




Fly tipping takes many forms across the whole city from a misplaced bag of refuse to organised criminal activities involving the disposal of trade and domestic waste.


Every effort is made to deal with the many cases of fly tipping reported through Action Line each year. In 2013/14 Southampton’s street cleansing teams attended and cleared almost 2,500 reports of fly tipping, 78% of which were cleared within one working day of notification. Almost 4,000 further cases of fly tipping were spotted and removed by street cleansing teams in the course of their regular rounds.


Enforcement plays a part where there is evidence of serious and organised fly tipping activity.  Not all cases of fly tipping occur on land owned or maintained by the City Council. In such instances the Regulatory and City Services teams take appropriate action to ensure that landowners play their part in keeping the city clean. Work is also done with private landlords and agents to ensure that they recognise that the proper disposal of waste is part of their management responsibilities.


The Recycling Centre at the City Depot is also well used by city residents providing facilities for the proper disposal of domestic waste therefore cutting down fly tipping. Changes to be made to the charges for the Bulky Household Collection Service are also designed to encourage residents to arrange for the proper collection and disposal of items such as furniture, mattresses etc. that may otherwise be fly tipped.


Residents are encouraged to dispose of their waste responsibly and to report fly tipping incidents to Action line so that prompt action can be taken help keep the city clean and discourage further fly tipping.


3.  City Centre Bridleway


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Rayment


What is the Administration's policy regarding the possible disposal to Network Rail of the Council owned bridleway that runs from Millbrook Station into the City Centre?




There is no actual policy regarding disposal, however Network Rail and SCC are currently looking at options around the requirements of Network Rail to extend their facilities in the Millbrook area, the implications of this and alternative options for the rights of way provision. A usage survey of the existing Rights of Way has been undertaken by Network Rail.


4.  Excessive Use Of Lettings Boards


Question from Councillor Claisse to Councillor Rayment


At the March Council Meeting it was agreed that the Executive make full use of the powers available to curb the excessive use of lettings boards across the City. Could the Cabinet Member give us an update on the progress made so far?




The planning enforcement and HMO Licencing teams have been working closely together to progress this issue.  The teams are also engaging with more than 50 Lettings Agents and other stakeholders.


In 2014/15 to date 260 letting boards have been removed.  An additional HMO officer has been recruited and this additional resource will assist in tackling the issue of lettings boards.


5.  Cycling In Pedestrian Areas And Illegal Parking


Question from Councillor Claisse to Councillor Rayment


In March last year this Council expressed concern at dangerous incidents of cycling in pedestrian areas and illegal parking on yellow lines. The Council called on the Executive to continue to support greater options for our cycling networks, raise these issues with the Police and Crime Commissioner and refresh existing joint strategies, whilst further exploring the range of powers available to the local authority. What have been the practical improvements made as a consequence of these commitments?




With regard to the Council’s commitment to support greater options for cycling networks, the Council continues to invest and develop its cycle routes with the aim of providing safe, convenient cycle routes that encourage cycling within the City for shorter journeys. The 2014/15 capital programme included work to a key part of the Eastern Cycle route corridor from the Itchen Bridge to Central Bridge and the Platform Road highway capacity improvements which includes a new cycleway.


In addition, plans are underway to enhance the Western Corridor cycle route between the City and Totton/ New Forest, with improvements to parts of the route along Second Avenue expected to be made early in the 2015/16 financial year.


Engineering design work is also underway to progress the proposed North-South cycleway, which will utilise “Lovers Walk” footpath and connect the Highfield area with the city centre. Delivery of these strategic cycle route corridors will be dependent on the Council securing additional cycle infrastructure funding and taking advantage of any other funding opportunities that become available.


The Council continues to work with the Police on all aspects of Highway Safety including issues associated with cycling in pedestrianised areas. Where dangerous cycling does occur it would be a matter for the Police to enforce, however the Council supports this through education and awareness campaigns. The Council also takes these issues into account in designing and delivering high quality public realm schemes.


The Council continues to enforce illegal parking on double yellow lines.  Our efforts are targeted on key problem areas to ensure the best use of Council resources.


6.  Direct Payments


Question from Councillor Claisse to Councillor Shields


In 2012/13 within SCC Adult Social Care, the total number of clients receiving direct payments was 615 representing 6.6% of all adult social care service users. This compares to 15.6% in other Unitary Authorities. What was the position for 2013/14?




In 2013/14 within SCC Adult Social Care, the total number of clients receiving direct payments was 583 representing 6.8% of all adult social care service users. This compares to 19.1% in other Unitary Authorities.


The Council is working with SPECTRUM Centre for Independent Living to support people to take up direct payments. SPECTRUM has recently launched a new direct payments website  for information and fact sheets on all aspects of direct payments and management of personal assistants (PAs).


Direct payments cannot by law be used to purchase services provided by the Council and it has become apparent during the ongoing consultation on the future of day services that there is a general lack of understanding and knowledge of direct payments, especially among carers. One of the co-production workgroups is working to address this, which complements Adult Social Care’s review of direct payments to ensure that the process is as straightforward as possible.


7.  Safeguarding Children In The City


Question from Councillor Smith to Councillor Chaloner


In light of the shocking revelations in Rotherham and the failure of all the agencies involved, what assurances can the Cabinet Member give to the public that these heinous acts are not being perpetrated against children in Southampton?




The City Council and its partners take the matter of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) seriously and arrangements to address CSE in the city and the wider region are in place. It is now widely understood that CSE exists in every village, every town and every city in the country. The recent Ofsted inspection found there to be good awareness of, and responses to, the risks faced by children and young people across the City.


Alongside all of our services having experienced training and awareness raising in this area we have a dedicated social worker, co-located with the police, who undertakes direct work, assessments and monitoring of children and young people at risk of child sexual exploitation. This specialist worker has supported 23 children since April 2014. A number of investigations remain ongoing and multi-agency working and disruption strategies are leading to young people being protected and perpetrators being prosecuted.


All reports of children and young people who go missing from care are scrutinised by the police, and young people who may be vulnerable to sexual exploitation are referred to the Missing, Exploited and Trafficked Group (MET) a sub group of the LSCB. ‘Safe and well’ visits are undertaken by police when a child returns to their placement. In addition, independent ‘return home’ interviews are undertaken via a contract with a voluntary sector provider, but information sharing from these interviews and ensuring missing children are effectively and robustly supported is not as effective as it could be.


We recognise these deficits and are reviewing commissioning and contract monitoring arrangements for this service and ensuring that arrangements for missing children are further enhanced within our improvement plan.


Further information in relation to our strategy that has been in place this year can be found here:


8.  Freemantle Community Centre


Question from Councillor Parnell to Councillor Shields


Has there been any communication between the Administration and the Trustees of the Freemantle Community Centre regarding the possible changes in Day Care Services?




Yes, an invitation to attend consultation meetings for partners and providers about the possible changes was sent to the Trustees.


Les Grafton, Deputy Chair of the Trustees, attended the first meeting held on 1 September 2014 and fed back his views, which will be incorporated in the consultation response.


The next meeting for partners and providers is scheduled for 2 October 2014 at 10.00am in Committee Rooms 1 and 2 at the Civic Centre. The Trustees are invited to attend this meeting also and, or, to feedback any further views on the proposals using the methods publicised on the Council’s website.


To date, two meetings have also been held for carers of individuals using Day Care Services at Freemantle Community Centre and another is planned. Full details of these and the public meetings are available on the Council’s website.


There have also been some informal exchanges on the contribution of the Community Centre to improving local community wellbeing between the Cabinet Member and individual Trustees before and during the concurrent exercise looking at ideas for a ‘co production model’ for Day Care Services.


9.   Circulation of GCSE and A Level results


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Jeffery


Please can the Cabinet Member ensure that all Councillors are sent the full breakdown of Key Stage 2, GCSE and A Level results by school, promptly after the data becomes available? In recent years this has not happened for some reason.




Of course we will provide the information when available.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.9 Questions 10 – 12 were unable to be submitted due to the timeframe allotted for this item.


Supporting documents: