Agenda item

Evening Parking Charges

Report of the Business Operations Manager seeking to extend parking charges from 6 pm to 8 pm on street and 6 pm to midnight off street and some minor changes to parking tariffs, attached.


Off Street


(i)  To approve the introduction of an Evening Charge of £2 for the proposed surface car parks from 6pm to Midnight. (see Appendix 2 (a) recommended charge as originally advertised)

(ii)  To extend the maximum number of Crosshouse Hard permits available to 400 per year for staff and members of organisations represented by the Crosshouse Water Users Group. (modified proposal extending existing permit provision in response to representations received)

(iii)  To approve the reduction in the charge for an Overnight Season Ticket from £250 to £150. (see Appendix 2 (b) recommended reduction as originally advertised)

(iv)  To approve the introduction of a new Resident Season Ticket at £375 for 6 months and £750 for 12 months for the car parks proposed. (see Appendix 2 (d) recommended charge as originally advertised)

(v)  To approve the introduction of a new 7 Day Season Ticket,  available to any person, for 3 months at £300, 6 months at £600 and 12 months at £1200, for parking at any time, without charge, in the specified car parks. (see appendix 2 (g) recommended charge as originally advertised)

(vi)  To approve the withdrawal of the Pay as you Park (decrementing) Card and to withdraw the 5 Day Season Ticket. (see Appendix 2 (e) and (f) recommendations as originally advertised)


On and Off Street


(vii)  To approve the introduction an Overnight Parking Pass, to be renamed Evening Parking Pass, without charge for issue on application to registered charity and voluntary organisations, with a maximum issue for 500 evening stays, subject to application and at the discretion of the Council. (see Appendices 1 (c) and 2 c) recommendations  as originally advertised)

(viii)  To extend the eligibility for the Evening Parking Pass referred to in recommendation vii above to include other recognised societies and organisations contributing to the community, at a charge of £1 per evening stay, subject to application and at the discretion of the Council. (modification to the advertised “Overnight Parking Pass” proposal in response to representations received)


On Street


(ix)  To approve the introduction of a flat rate evening charge of £2.00 from 6pm to 8pm in on-street Pay & Displays bays. (see Appendix 1 (a) recommended charge as originally advertised).

(x)  To approve the introduction of an Evening Season Ticket for Blue, Green, Purple or Grey Code on-street Pay & Display bays for city centre residents at £100 per year. (modification to the proposal to only provide off street Residents Season Tickets, extending availability of such Season Tickets to on – street provision for a reduced charge - proposed in response to representations received).

(xi)  To approve the introduction of an Evening & Week-End Season Ticket for Blue, Green, Purple or Grey Code on-street Pay & Display bays for city centre residents at £400 per year. (modification to the proposal to only provide off street Residents Season Tickets, extending availability of such Season Tickets to on – street provision for a reduced charge - proposed in response to representations received).

(xii)  To approve excluding Sunday from the days on which Evening Charges will apply. (modified proposal in response to representations received)

(xiii)  To approve the introduction of a new day time 2 hour stay in Central Core Red Code Outer bays at a charge of £4.00. (see Appendix 1 (d) recommendation as originally advertised)

(xiv)  To approve the introduction of a new day time 2 hour stay in Central Core Red Code bays at a charge of £4.00 and other changes to charges in this area. (see Appendix 1 (e) recommendation as originally advertised)

(xv)  To approve the introduction of a new East Street Code with a day time 10mins free parking period, 30mins for £1.30  and 60mins at £2.20 in place of the current charges of £0.80 for 20mins, £1.20 for 40mins and £2.50 for 60 minutes. (see Appendix 1 (f) recommendation as originally advertised)

(xvi)  To approve the charge reductions and restriction definitions stated in paragraphs g to k at Appendix 1. (recommendation as originally advertised)

(xvii)  To defer any decision on extending the parking restriction period in the evenings Monday to Saturday from 6pm to 8pm in the Polygon (Zone 1), until the effects of the other changes can be assessed. (modified proposal in response to representations received)

(xviii)  To approve excluding Rockstone Place from the evening restriction period. (modified proposal in response to representations received)

(xix)  To approve excluding the “Deanery South” development (Carpathia Drive, Rudd Way and Clench Street) from the evening restriction period. (modified proposal in response to representations received)

(xx)  To commission officers to undertake a comparative analysis of parking levels in the city centre streets surveyed (see Appendix 6) 6-12 months after Evening Charges commences and to bring forward proposals for any modifications to City centre parking charges deemed necessary in light of such analysis. (new proposal in response to representations received)

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