Agenda and minutes

Chipperfield Advisory Committee - Thursday, 31st October, 2013 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre. View directions

No. Item


Appointment of Chair

To appoint a Chair for the purposes of this meeting.




That Liz Goodall be appointed Chair for this meeting following the resignation of Stephen Foster from the Committee. 


Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 13 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20th May, 2013 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.



RESOLVED that the minutes for the Committee meeting on 20th May 213 be approved and signed as a correct record.  



Gallery Annual Report pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Report of the Head of Leisure and Culture detailing the key activities of the Art Gallery over the last 12 months, attached. 


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Leisure and Culture detailing the activities of the Art Gallery over the last 12 months. 


Following discussion it was agreed that the Annual Report be presented to the Chipperfield Trust on 19th March, 2014.  A further meeting of the Committee would be held towards the end of February to finalise the report. 




(i)  To note the content of the report;

(ii)  To approve the use of delegated power for the Head of Leisure and Culture to accept the works identified in this report. 


Art Gallery Roof pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Report of the Head of Leisure and Culture regarding the cost of delivering a complete repair and refurbishment of the Art Gallery roof, attached. 

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Leisure and Culture regarding the cost of delivering a complete repair and refurbishment of the Art Gallery roof. 


The Committee discussed the need to raise funds required for the repair and refurbishment the roof, how this could be implemented and who should lead on the programme.  It was agreed in order to facilitate the raising of funds the Committee supported the proposal to establish an independent charitable trust.




The Committee proposes to the Council that the Council accepts the principle of this Committee creating a charitable trust, wholly independent of the Council, to take over the Art Gallery and the collection on the basis that, on acceptance by the Council of such principle, formal subject to contract terms for such takeover will be put to the Council as soon as practically possible. 



Correspondence between Leader of the Council and the Culture Minister pdf icon PDF 624 KB

Letter from the Leader of Southampton City Council to the Minister for Culture, attached. 


The Committee considered the letter from the Leader of Southampton City Council to the Minister for Culture and submitted the following response:


“We read the letter sent by Councillor Letts to the Minister with some concern.  We regret that it was sent as it does not reflect the actual position relating to the Collection.  The letter makes no reference to the terms of the Chipperfield bequest, which appear to have been ignored. 


Whilst the Committee do not expect to be referred to at every occasion, we do feel we should have been consulted about a letter of this significance. 


The Art collection is international and held in trust for the benefit of the people of Southampton. 


Whilst we recognise that the Council have an extremely difficult task in preserving services under severe financial pressure, we wish to understand the reasoning behind this letter.  This Committee has written with its views to the Leader as to securing the future of the Collection and we have no doubt that our proposals represent the best way forward for the Gallery and the Collection. 


This Committee wish very much to work with the Council to resolve this serious problem but we are not sure that the letter helps at all.  The Advisory Committee in advising the Trustees of the Chipperfield bequest will be unable to approve any sale, having regard to the legal, trust and charitable implications.”


The Cabinet Member noted the concerns of the Committee, and reflected that the letter considered all of the Council’s collections, not only the Art Collection, that it was a political letter, not written on behalf of the Trustees and that it sought to have the current guidelines concerning Accreditation reviewed, and was not indicating any intent to work outside of any existing rules or requirements.





Potential Governance Changes

Discussion to take place regarding potential governance changes.  


The Committee discussed the vacancy following Stephen Fosters’ resignation. 


It was agreed that the Council’s Leadership Group be requested to reconsider the list of people who previously applied for a suitable appointment.