Agenda and draft minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Monday, 2nd October, 2023 4.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 and 2 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Alison Philpott  023 8083 3076

No. Item


Welcome, Apologies and Changes Of Membership

To receive any apologies and changes to membership.



SACRE noted the apologies of Councillors Beaurain and Lambert.  It was also noted that Joyce Wan was now acting as the Southampton City Mission Representative covering for Ellie Cousins who was away on maternity leave. No other changes to membership had been notified.


Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

To elect the Chair and Vice Chair for the Municipal Year 2023 - 2024.  




(i)  Ruth Gill be elected as Chair for the Municipal Year 2023/24; and

(ii)  Suzzane Underwood be elected as Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year 2023/24


Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 284 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2023 and the notes taken on 10 July 2023  , attached.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that SACRE approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2023 and the notes taken on 10 July 2023 


Feedback on Events

To receive feedback and updates from members of the SACRE on any events or training attended.



SACRE Members were informed of forthcoming events:


·  One City event will be taking place on Thursday 9th November at Bitterne Park School.


If you would like to attend the event, please confirm your attendance with Suzzane Underwood and Trevor Pine (RE Network Chairperson)


·  NASCRE Collective Worship (joint with AREIAC) virtual training session: Monday 20 November, 4-5.30pm


If you would like to attend the event, please contact Alison Philpot for details and access codes. 


SACRE Self-evaluation pdf icon PDF 906 KB

To sign off the finalised self -evaluation  following previous discussion at SACRE.


Members received an updated version of the self-evaluation form following discussions at previous meetings.  It was agreed to sign off the finalised self -evaluation form so that this could inform the Action Plan for Sacre that would be presented to a future meeting for sign off. 




Information sharing

To receive presentations seeking to inform SARCE members  in regard to:

·  Hampshire Islamic Outreach Society; based in Southampton

·  Southampton Council of Faiths

·  Southampton City Mission


SACRE member received presentations from Imam Sayfullah of Hampshire Islamic Outreach Society, based in Southampton and Joyce Wan from Southampton City Mission.  The presentations set out how these organisations reach out to schools and community organisation in order to bring a greater understanding of their respected faiths into the community and foster a greater tolerance of other beliefs.




Any Other Business


SACRE members learned that case law in England had now established that the position taken by Southampton in regard to the humanist organisations was in fact correct. 


Kate Lewis SCC Leadership and governance advisor will lead the review of the constitution this year, those wishing to support this should contact Kateat


In addition it was noted that Ruth Gill  hoped to table an updated version of the SACRE advice document  at the next meeting for discussion.