Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 5th September, 2011 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 and 2

Contact: Judy Cordell  023 8083 2430

No. Item


First Quarter Performance Monitoring For 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council detailing performance in the first quarter of 2011 -2012, attached.

Additional documents:


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Leader of the Council,Cabinet noted that 77% of Council’s Key Killer Performance Indicators and 89% of the Service Improvement Actions and Projects set out in the 2011/12 Council Plan are reported to be on target.



Financial Monitoring for the Period to the end of June 2011 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Leisure and Culture detailing the financial monitoring for the period to the end of June 2011, attached.

Additional documents:


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member forResources, Leisure and Culture, Cabinet noted the following:


(i)  the current General Fund revenue budget monitoring position for the General Fund 2011/12 as at Month 3 (June), which is a forecast over spend at year end of £0.4M against the budget approved by Council on 16 February 2011, as outlined in paragraph 4.

(ii)  that the baseline forecast over spend for portfolios is £2.0M.

(iii)  that portfolios plan to take remedial action to manage a number of the corporate and key issues highlighted in this report and that the financial impact is reflected in the forecast position.

(iv)  that the Risk Fund includes £2.4M to cover service related risks, and that the estimated draw at Month 3 is £0.5M to cover expenditure which is included within the baseline forecast portfolio over spend of £2.0M.

(v)  that the Revenue Development Fund totals £1.4M.  At this stage of the year it has been prudently assumed that the remainder of the Fund will be fully utilised.

(vi)  that £104,300 has been allocated from the contingency to fund the recommendations contained in the 2010/11 Grants to Voluntary Organisations report as approved by Cabinet on 21 June 2010.

(vii)  that £45,000 has been allocated from the contingency to reflect the fact that the savings proposal to increase the cost of Meals on Wheels has been reviewed and amended such that the planned increase in income will not be delivered in 2011/12

(viii)  that it has been assumed that the remaining contingency of £100,700 will be fully utilised by the end of 2011/12 with this sum being allocated to fund the majority of the cost of introducing a market supplement of £1,400 per annum for a range of social workers within Children’s Services and Learning on a temporary six month basis

(ix)  the forecast level of balances which will fall below the minimum level of £4.5M in the medium term if further remedial action is not taken in year to reduce the forecast over spend from the current level of £0.4M to at least a break even position.

(x)  the performance to date with regard to the delivery of the agreed savings proposals approved for 2011/12 as detailed in Appendix 9.

(xi)  the performance against the financial health indicators detailed in Appendix 10.

(xii)  the performance outlined in the Quarterly Treasury Management Report attached as Appendix 11.

(xiii)  the current HRA budget monitoring position for 2011/12 as at Month 3 (June), which is a forecast over spend at year end of £34,800 against the budget approved by Council on 16 February 2011, as outlined in paragraph 19.


Meeting the Care Quality Commissions Standards in Council Care Homes pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health seeking approval for the refurbishment of Council owned residential homes, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 11/12 6529)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  That subject to the addition by Council of the sum detailed in Appendix 1 for improvements to the fabric and furnishings of the Council owned residential homes, to approve capital expenditure, in accordance with the Financial Procedure Rules as described in this report.


Disposal of Land at 512 Portsmouth Road Sholing, Southampton pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Leisure and Culture seeking approval the disposal of land, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE (Ref: CAB 11/12 6697)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member Resources, Leisure and Culture, Cabinet agreed the following decision:


(i)  To approve the principle of the sale of the Council’s freehold interest; and

(ii)  To delegate authority to Head of Property and Procurement following consultation with the Executive Director for Corporate Services and the Cabinet Member for Resources, Leisure and Culture to approve the preferred bidder, agree terms of the sale and carry out all ancillary matters to enable disposal of the site.


City Plan pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council seeking Cabinet approval to recommend the City Plan to Council, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref CAB 11/12 7042)


On consideration of the report of the Leader of the Council, Cabinet made the following decision:


To endorse the draft City Plan 2011 – 2014 prepared by Southampton Connect and to recommend its approval to Council on 14th September 2011. 


To adopt the Southampton Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2011 - 14 pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care seeking approval for the process of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment on behalf of the Council

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE (Ref: CAB 11/12 6870)


On consideration of the report of the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care and the Director of Public Health the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health made the following decision:


(i)  To agree the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) 2011-14;

(ii)  That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care and the Director of Public Health to update the JSNA as new data and information becomes available.