Issue - meetings

* Estate Regeneration - Weston Lane Shopping Parade Redevelopment

Meeting: 19/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 117)

117 * Estate Regeneration - Weston Lane Shopping Parade Redevelopment pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council, detailing the progress made in developing proposals to regenerate Weston Lane shopping parade and recommending approval for proceeding to the next stages required for redeveloping the site.

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DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 12/13 9827)


On consideration of the report of the Leader of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, the virement of £300,000 in 2014/15 from the Estate Wide Programme to the Weston Shopping Parade Redevelopment Programme.

(ii)  To, approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, additional expenditure of £300,000 in 2014/5 on the Weston Shopping Parade Redevelopment Programme.

(iii)  To approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, expenditure of £1,325,000 phased £700,000 in 2013/14, £375,000 in 2014/15 and £250,000 in 2015/16 on the Weston Enabling Works Programme provision for which already exists in the unapproved section of the HRA Capital Programme.


(a)  To approve the appointment of Bouygues (UK) Limited as preferred bidder for the redevelopment of Weston Lane Shopping Parade site

(b)  Subject to the Land becoming vacant land and falling within the terms of section 32 of the Housing Act 1985 under General Consent A of the General Housing Consents 2012 to approve the sale of the site at the price set out in the confidential Appendix 2 which is at less than best consideration due to the delivery requirements being imposed on the developer by the Council through the proposed development agreement which will create an undervalue.

(v)  To delegate power to the Head of Legal, HR & Democratic Services to amend, finalise and sign the Development Agreement with the preferred bidder for the disposal of the site in accordance with the financial terms outlined in Confidential Appendix 2 (exempt) and to enter into the associated Delivery Partner Panel Framework Agreement.

(vi)  To delegate authority to the Senior Manager Property, Procurement and Contract Management to

a.  Negotiate and acquire by agreement any legal interests or rights held in respect of the parcel of land shown edged red in Appendix 4 not already owned by the Council (being within Weston Lane Shopping Parade site) using such acquisition powers as the Senior Manager Property, Procurement and Contract Management advises;

b.  To agree the payment of appropriate compensation for the acquisition of the rights and interests in the land to be compulsorily purchased


a.  That subject to reasonable attempts to negotiate the acquisition of each of the interests in the areas  shown  on the map at Appendix 4 having failed, to authorise the Head of Legal, HR & Democratic Services to make a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire any rights and interests in the land and flats and buildings thereon shown on the attached map in Appendix 4 under section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 for the purpose of erecting housing and facilities which serve a beneficial purpose for the future occupiers of the housing.


b.  To approve  the Statement of Reasons for making the Compulsory Purchase Order as set out in Appendix 3 and that power be delegated to the Head of Legal, HR & Democratic Services to make amendments to the statement of reasons as the scheme progresses.

(viii)  To authorise the Head of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117