Issue - meetings

Solent Sky Museum - Proposals for re-location of SERFCA and use of vacated space.

Meeting: 04/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Solent Sky Museum - Proposals for re-location of SERFCA and use of vacated space. pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Leisure and Culture seeking approval for the use of vacated space caused by the re-location of SERFCA, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION NO: (CAB 11/12 6528)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Leisure and Culture Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the surrender of the SERFCA accommodation at Solent Sky on the terms set out in this report.

(ii)  To approve the changes in the proposed lease terms of the Museum as outlined in this report; and

·  To delete the existing scheme in the Leisure and Culture capital programme for repairs to the Museum,

·  To add to the Leisure and Culture capital programme a new scheme for £240,000 in 2011/12 for a capital grant to the Museum towards the costs of the repairs; and

·  To approve, in accordance with Finance Procedure Rules, spending of £240,000 in 2011/12.

(iii)  To approve the grant of a lease of the whole premises to the Trustees of the Solent Sky Museum on the terms set out in this report and to delegate to the Head of Property and Procurement authority to undertake all such ancillary acts to complete the lease.