Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care - Performance and Transformation

Meeting: 30/11/2023 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 24)

24 Adult Social Care - Performance and Transformation pdf icon PDF 307 KB

Report of the Scrutiny Manager recommending that the Panel consider and challenge the appended information from the Executive Director – Wellbeing and Housing.

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The Panel considered the report of the Scrutiny Manager which recommended that the Panel considered and challenged the appended information from the Executive Director of Wellbeing and Housing.


Councillor Fielker, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Housing, and Clare Edgar, Executive Director Wellbeing and Housing were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel discussed a number of points including:

·  The challenges associated with reporting the changes being planned and delivered across Adult Social Care services, through the transformation programme, at the appropriate level of detail for the Panel to consider.

·  The financial pressures to close the funding gap had provided a focus for the transformation programme to be delivered at pace within agreed timescales.

·  The performance information reported to the Panel needed to be reviewed to enable elected members to better understand how well Adult Social Care Services in Southampton were performing.  This would enable the Panel to focus on areas of highest risk and poor performance.

·  The customer management system was still presenting challenges to reporting accurate service performance.

·  Information relating to the support provided to carers in Southampton was not included in the report.




1)  That, reflecting concerns about the Panel’s ability to utilise the performance information currently provided to effectively hold decision makers to account, consideration would be given to the dataset to be presented to the Panel moving forward.  The Panel’s initial request was that they would be provided with the information presented to the Cabinet Member at Cabinet Member Briefings.

2)  That the Panel would be kept informed and updated of the Adult Social Care budget proposals to enable the membership to scrutinise and comment on the measures.

3)  That key performance information relating to the support provided to carers in Southampton would be circulated to the Panel.