Issue - meetings

Children's Resource Service Audit and Service Response

Meeting: 06/07/2023 - Children and Families Scrutiny Panel (Item 5)

5 Children's Resource Service Audit and Service Response pdf icon PDF 297 KB

Report of the Executive Director for Children and Learning, recommending that the Panel consider and note the findings of the Children's Resource Service audit and the service response.

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The Panel received the report of the Executive Director for Children and Learning, recommending that the Panel consider and note the findings of the Children's Resource Service audit and the service response.


During the discussion the Panel noted the following:


·  That the Service had responded robustly with vigorous activity in place.

·  That the evidence around improved practice and the Improvement Board would be validated by the publication of the Ofsted report later in the month.

·  That audit activity was to move forward toward partnership audits.

·  That several well attended training sessions had taken place. Training had focussed on first line managers as a core group for consistent practice.

·  Good timeliness in screening strategy discussions had resulted in fewer referrals to child protection.

·  That safeguarding activity had the best engagement within the service. As a critical part of the service and its ongoing decision making, it was a critical area for continual focus to scrutinise continuing practice.

·  That the service will review quality across three audits: 1. Managers Audit, 2. Re-referrals,  3. Safeguarding Childrens’ partnership. Audits will resume taking account of Ofsted’s findings. The three audits will give assurance that the audit process is working.

·  Re-referrals were still at 21%, so above the national average.


RESOLVED that the service would report the findings of the three audits to the Panel.