Issue - meetings

External Audit - 2021/22 Interim Auditor's Annual Report

Meeting: 24/04/2023 - Governance Committee (Item 34)

34 External Audit - 2021/22 Interim Auditor's Annual Report pdf icon PDF 287 KB

Report of the External Auditor detailing the 2021/22 Interim Auditor's Annual Report.

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The Committee received and noted the report of the External Auditors detailing the 2021/22 Interim Auditors Annual Report and particularly identified significant weakness in the Council’s value for money arrangements for 2022/23 and made recommendations thereon.


The Committee noted that the former S151 Officer had highlighted concern regarding value for money and identified severe weakness.  The new S151 Officer had brought CIPFA in who were currently undertaking a robust review of the financial organisation of the Council with their report being due first week in May.  The report would be shared with the Administration following the all out Elections on 4th May and a report brought to this Committee’s next meeting which would include a financial improvement plan.