Issue - meetings

Integrated Care Partnership Interim Integrated Care Strategy

Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 22)

22 Integrated Care Partnership Interim Integrated Care Strategy pdf icon PDF 311 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure detailing progress since December 2022 on the Interim Integrated Care Strategy

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The Board received and noted the report of the Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure detailing the progress since December on the Interim Integrated Care Strategy and the delivery of the Interim Integrated Care Strategy Priorities.


The Board noted that the Strategy had been developed in partnership with local authorities; the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Southampton City alongside those of our other local authorities had been used to inform the case for change and priorities. The strategy had been developed in close partnership working with the Directors of Public Health from the local authorities to ensure that it built on and supported the work ongoing at a place level. To ensure the effective delivery of the strategy, it was recognised that partnership working with our Health and Wellbeing Boards would be vital.


The Board indicated that within the next update there needed to be more information on the priorities alongside tangible outcomes in order to provide the Board with opportunity to discuss these in full and provide feedback, it was considered that work around the strategy was not advancing as required.