Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care - Performance and Transformation

Meeting: 09/02/2023 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 29)

29 Adult Social Care - Performance and Transformation pdf icon PDF 285 KB

Report of the Director of Operations for Adult Social Care providing the Panel with an overview of the performance of Adult Social Care in Southampton and an update on the service transformation programme.

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The Panel considered the report of the Director of Operations for Adult Social Care which provided the Panel with an overview of the performance of Adult Social Care in Southampton and an update on the service transformation programme.


Vernon Nosal, Director of Operations, Adult Social Care; Clare Edgar, Executive Director Wellbeing and Housing; and Councillor Fielker, Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel discussed a number of points including:

  • The lack of local performance measures limiting the ability of the Panel to fully understand the performance of Adult Social Care Services in Southampton.
  • The complexity of the DOLS data warranted further analysis at a future meeting.
  • Concerns with regards to the integrity of reviews data and recording.
  • Staff recruitment was more of an issue for the service than staff retention.
  • The limited progress that has been made transforming Adult Social Care services in Southampton compared to a number of comparable local authorities.
  • The budget overspend for 2022/23 and how the transformation programme should contribute to efficiencies moving forward.
  • The Cabinet Member’s aspirations and commitment to Adult Social Care transformation.



1)  That, to present a more accurate reflection of the performance of Adult Social Care Services in Southampton, moving forward local performance indicators would be included in the performance dataset alongside the ASCOF measures.

2)  That, where appropriate, the performance indicators would include figures as well as percentages to enhance the Panel’s understanding of the metrics.

3)  That an overview of DOLS performance and trend data would be attached to the next iteration of the performance dataset to be considered by the Panel.

4)  That the projected Adult Social Care budget overspend for 2022/23 would be shared with the Panel.

5)  That the Chair and Vice Chair of the Panel would meet with the Executive Director of Wellbeing and Housing to discuss Adult Social Care review activity.

6)  That, subject to agreement from the Chair, performance and transformation would be considered together when the Panel undertake quarterly reviews of Adult Social Care in 2023/24.