Issue - meetings

Forward Plan

Meeting: 08/09/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (Item 14)

14 Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report of the Director, Legal and Business Services enabling the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to examine the content of the Forward Plan and to discuss issues of interest or concern with the Executive.


Appendix 1 – Financial Monitoring until the end of June

Appendix 2 – TCF update

Appendix 3 – Evening Parking Charges


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director, Legal and Business Services enabling the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to examine the content of the Forward Plan and to discuss issues of interest or concern with the Executive.


In relation to Appendix 1 (Financial Monitoring for the Period to the end of June) Councillor Leggett - Cabinet Member for Finance, Keith Petty - Senior Finance and Business Partner SCC, Robert Henderson – Executive Director Wellbeing (Children and Learning) and Steph Murray - Deputy Director Children and Learning were present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.


In relation to Appendix 2 (Transforming Cities Fund Update) Councillor Keogh – Cabinet Member for Transport and District Regeneration, and Martina Olley – TCF Manager were present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.


In Relation to Appendix 3 (Evening Parking Charges) Councillor Keogh – Cabinet Member for Transport and District Regeneration, Mary D’arcy – Executive Director Communities, Culture and Homes, and Richard Alderson – Service Manager: Parking and Itchen Bridge were in attendance and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.










(i)  That on consideration of the briefing paper relating to the Cabinet Decision “Financial Monitoring for the Period to the end of June” the Committee requested that the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change

a.  provide a detailed plan to the Committee outlining how the Executive are seeking to address the current projected overspend against the 2022/23 General Fund budget.

b.  that, reflecting the budgetary pressures created by the existing and forecast economic challenges, the Cabinet Member provides the Committee with the current anticipated budget shortfall for 2023/24.

(ii)  That the Committee noted the briefing paper relating to the forthcoming Cabinet Decision “Transforming Cities Fund Update.”

(iii)That on consideration of the briefing paper relating to the forthcoming Cabinet Decision “Evening Parking Charges” the Committee requested that:

a.  the Executive reconsider the proposed introduction of evening parking charges at the September 2022 Cabinet meeting;

b.  if Cabinet agree to introduce evening parking charges, the findings from the proposed 4 month post implementation review are presented to the Committee;

c.  if Cabinet agree to introduce evening parking charges, the proposed post decision analysis includes metrics that seek to measure the impact on city centre trade as a result of the introduction of evening parking charges.