11 Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 PDF 288 KB
Report of the Executive Director Finance & Commercialisation and Section 151 Officer seeking to review and approve the draft Annual Governance Statement 2021-22.
Additional documents:
The Committee received the report of the Executive Director Finance and Commercialisation and Section 151 Officer seeking to review and approve the draft Annual Governance Statement 2021-22.
The Committee discussed the following:
· The People’s Strategy had been to the Leaders Cabinet Member Briefing and would be presented to the Unions in a couple of weeks time – subject to any further change, it would then be rolled out to Leadership Group early in the New Year;
· Corporate Plan was expected at November Council meeting;
· Following a recent self-assessment by officers, using guidance issued by CIPFA, looking at how effectively the organisation’s governance arrangements support the achievement of outcomes and delivery of value for money. Scoping of the results was to be decided and would be shared with the Committee on benchmarking, benefits realisation and contracting arrangements, which were identified as areas of improvement.
· Following discussion at last month’s meeting, it was noted that the inclusion of the impact of the Pandemic in the AGS was less detailed than it had been in previous years. Going forward it was not expected to be shown as a separate section as the impact had become less evident.
RESOLVED to approve the draft 2021-22 Annual Governance Statement as set out in the appendix to the report.