Issue - meetings

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Strategy: brief update on progress

Meeting: 21/09/2022 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Strategy: Update on Progress

To receive a presentation from Charlotte Mathews, Public Health Consultant detailing progress with developing the new strategy


The Board received and noted a presentation from Lisa Erlandsen, Policy and Strategy Officer detailing progress on the Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Strategy.


The Board noted the consultation had concluded on 4th September 2022 and work was now taking place to replace the existing strategy with the 2023 – 2028 new strategy.  There would be five themes within the new strategy around Help, Harm Reduction, Hope, Health Promotion and Health Equality.  It was noted that this was the first strategy to cover tobacco specifically. 


Formal sign off of the strategy would come to the December meeting of the Board prior to Cabinet decision on 20th December.