Issue - meetings

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Briefing

Meeting: 21/09/2022 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 6)

6 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 382 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure providing a briefing on the final PNA report following consultation and the amendment process to be followed during the lifetime of the PNA.

Additional documents:


The Board received and noted the report of the Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure detailing the final Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which the Health and Wellbeing Board had a statutory responsibility to publish by the end of October 2022.


The report was seeking approval of the final PNA and the process for dealing with changes to the need for, or the availability of, pharmaceutical services during the lifetime of the PNA.


It was noted that due to the meeting not being quorate and the need to meet statutory requirements for the publication of the PNA which could not be deferred to the next meeting of H&WBB in December, the Board recommended the decision be taken in accordance with the Chief Officers General Powers in the Officer Scheme of Delegation and Dr Debbie Chase, Director of Public Health takes the decision in order to meet statutory requirements.