Issue - meetings

Executive Business Report - EBR

Meeting: 20/07/2022 - Council (Item 33)

33 Executive Business pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council, attached.


Additional documents:


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions.


The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:-



  1. St. Mary’s Leisure Centre


Question from Councillor P Baillie to Councillor Fielker


You have promised to keep open St. Marys Leisure Centre for sporting activities. Will you promise to keep it open for sporting activities for at least ten years? What is the gross annual budget for running SMLC and what income is expected?


ANSWER: The long-term future of St Mary’s will be developed in conjunction with the community to ensure the right mix of sporting, health and community related actives which support their ambitions.


The gross annual running costs total £178k from the general fund, income received from the use of SMLC as a leisure facility would be retained by the Council to offset the costs of operating the facility. The income is expected to be in line with the pre-Covid income levels.


2.  Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB)


Question from Councillor White to Councillor Fielker


Can the Cabinet Member indicate what importance the administration attributes to the HWBB and what, if any, active role is the Cabinet Member proposing to take? In addition is there any intention to change the political makeup of the Board membership from that agreed at the May 2022 Council?


ANSWER: The Health and Wellbeing Board is an important body responsible for the delivery of Southampton’s Health and Wellbeing strategy and Joint Strategic Needs assessment and reports to the Cabinet. My role is to Chair the current board. Having been fully supportive of the changes in political representation agreed in May there is no intention to change this. The proportional membership of 3 Councillors from the administration and two from the opposition is being formalised at today’s full council meeting.


3.  Bitterne Village Improvement Plan


Question from Councillor Guthrie to Councillor Keogh


Will the Cabinet Member commit to continuing with the previous administration’s Bitterne Village Improvement Plan?

ANSWER: Technically there is no plan as it stands there is a budget allocation of £3m that was approved in February.


What I have done is a walkabout in the Bitterne District Centre with officers where we took some of the ideas you had already identified and followed that through. There are many good ideas there.  I think we know we can develop it there is an intention to work with Bitterne Primary School to get some involvement there and Bitterne History Society so there are some good ideas coming forward.


We are looking to launch the consultation at the end of the summer and then from that we will be able to formulate some detailed costings that will hopefully form the basis to go ahead with the Lordshill District Centre.


4.  Council Tax


Question from Councillor Hannides to Councillor Leggett


With the global economic outlook uncertain, international events driving up inflation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33