Issue - meetings

Forward Plan

Meeting: 14/10/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (Item 26)

26 Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Report of the Service Director, Legal and Business Operations enabling the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to examine the content of the Forward Plan and to discuss issues of interest or concern with the Executive.

Additional documents:


(a)   Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan


The Committee considered the briefing paper of the Cabinet Member for Growth which summarised the draft Southampton Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), a requirement of the Department for Transport’s National Bus

Strategy. The BSIP is the first phase towards Southampton City Council

establishing an Enhanced Partnership with the local bus operators


Councillor Moulton, Cabinet Member for Growth was in attendance and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting. 




i)  the Council would work with Xelabus to encourage and support them to modernise their fleet;

ii)  the Cabinet Member gave consideration to the support that the Council could provide to the Southampton Bus User Group to ensure that it was both active and effective;

iii)  a summary of the consultation findings that informed the Bus Service Improvement Plan was circulated to the Committee;

iv)  to encourage feedback, future consultation on plans and proposals relating to bus services was publicised and promoted more widely, across various platforms and channels;

v)  to enable oversight, the Committee were provided with an update on the current status of the various bus service improvement schemes included within the Transforming Cities Fund programme;

vi)  the Committee were provided with outline timescales for the delivery of the key ambitions and actions contained within the Bus Service Improvement Plan.


(b)  Provision of a Litter Enforcement Service


The Committee considered the confidential briefing paper of the Cabinet Member for Environment regarding the provision of a Litter Enforcement Service. 


Councillor Galton, Cabinet Member for Environment was in attendance and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting. 




i)  that the Administration reflected on the application of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules and discouraged the use of reports that were entirely confidential, unless absolutely necessary;

ii)  that the Council promoted the use of data to develop an intelligence led approach to littering enforcement activity;

iii)  that officers obtain littering enforcement performance data from, and benchmark against other local authorities, to identify if Southampton was an outlier, particularly with regards to the non-payment of fines; and

iv)  that the service developed alternative criteria by which the effectiveness and success of the littering enforcement service was measured. 


(c)   Northern Above Bar Properties


The Committee considered the confidential briefing paper of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets concerning the Council’s strategy regarding Northern Above Bar Properties. 


Councillor Hannides, Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets was in attendance and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.


Following discussion the Committee made recommendations to the Cabinet Member in confidential session.