15 Educational Attainment in Southampton PDF 309 KB
Report of the Director, Legal and Governance
requesting that the Panel consider the provisional 2018/19 key
stage exam results in Southampton and the educational attainment of
Looked After Children.
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The Panel received the report of the Director, Legal and Governance which requested that the Panel considered the provisional 2018/19 key stage exam results in Southampton and the educational attainment of Looked After Children.
Councillor Paffey, Cabinet Member for Aspiration, Children and Lifelong Learning; Hilary Brooks, Service Director, Children and Families Services; Derek Wiles, Service Lead, Education and Early Help; and Maria Anderson, Head of Virtual School; were present and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel. In discussions with the officers the Panel noted the following:
(i) That the Panel would be provided with ‘off-rolling’ figures for Southampton schools.
(ii) That, reflecting concerns about the number of children that are entering primary school without being ‘school ready’, the Panel would be provided with an overview of the actions that have been taken, or are planned to be taken, that would ensure the children who required additional support were targeted and supported to access good early years education.