Issue - meetings

Reducing and preventing people from becoming perpetrators of domestic abuse in Southampton - What are the gaps?

Meeting: 21/02/2019 - Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Reducing Domestic Abuse (Item 6)

6 Reducing and preventing people from becoming perpetrators of domestic abuse in Southampton - What are the gaps? pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of the Director, Legal and Governance requesting that the Panel consider the comments made by the invited guests and use the information provided as evidence in the review.

Additional documents:


The Panel received and noted the report of the Director, Legal and Governance requesting that the Panel consider the comments made by the invited guests and use the information provided as evidence in the review.


Following discussion with invited representatives the following information was received:


Sandy Jerrim, Senior Commissioner from the Integrated Commissioning Unit (ICU) – Local Services Southampton  -


·  Currently, Southampton works mainly with victims and children but lacks the same level of commitment to working and intervening with perpetrators.

o  As well as services provided through the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and probation, there are other service providers outside of social care that will have some involvement with perpetrators, such as drug and alcohol misuse services, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

o  There is no focus within areas on deprivation to identify or respond to domestic abuse and few services targeting Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

·  Children and Families Services has become the prominent referral route to the Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Partnership (DAPP) and other services.

·  Funding towards domestic abuse perpetrators come from a variety of sources, typically The Ministry of Justice, OPCC, Southampton City Council, Big Lottery, and general fundraising, etc.

·  This results in the funding for a number of perpetrator and programmes being inconsistent and often short term.

·  Overall in Southampton, and based on information available, it has been found that approximately £800,000 is spent on domestic abuse services annually: 89% of expenditure is on victim/survivor services and 11% perpetrator services (DAPP 6%, LINX 1%, and Building Better Relationships 2%).

·  From a survey questionnaire in regards to referrals to perpetrator services it has found that:

o  All settings recognised and identified perpetrators.

o  Survivor services focus on developing protective factors around the survivor.

o  Responses show that survivor services are increasingly accepting their role in sharing intelligence about perpetrators and the benefits of this.


Tara Doel, Frankie Snow and Nicci King – Yellow Door


·  The STAR Project delivers Relationship and Sexual Education, through interactive workshops, in Southampton and surrounding areas of Hampshire to children aged from 11+ to college and university level.

o  This is currently delivered to all secondary schools, majority of Primary schools and youth settings in Southampton. In 2017/18 The STAR Project has delivered to 11,985 young people in 2017/18.

o  The STAR Project has been awarded as one of the top 10 examples of international best practise in a European Parliament report "Overview of Worldwide Best Practise for Rape Prevention & Assisting Victims” (2014).

·  One of the aims of this service is to prevent abuse by teaching future potential perpetrators and victims of domestic abuse about healthy relationships, self-esteem, and making informed decisions surrounding sex and relationships. They also provide advocacy support for children.

·  The STAR Project has a very high positive feedback with 98% of children surveyed saying they understood more about what makes a healthy relationship. The majority of children attending participate in the survey.   

·  Funding sources of the STAR Project include: Southampton DSA Prevention and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6