Issue - meetings

Education Capital Programme

Meeting: 17/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Education Capital Programme (Secondary Schools Expansion) pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To consider the Report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills setting out proposals to provide increased secondary places and the provision of specialist educations places throughout the City. 

Additional documents:



DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 20113)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, the report was modified to amend recommendation (iii) and insert a new recommendation (iv), Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  Approve the commencement of consultation on the proposals and options detailed in the report and appendix 1.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Service Director for Children and Families to enter into (or continue) and conclude discussions with:

·  the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocese and St. Marks Primary School in relation to proposals for a new school on the St. Marks Primary School Site;

·  approach the Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Governors and the Head Teacher of St. George Catholic College to consider expansion by 300 places; and

·  the Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Academy Trust, Governors and Head Teacher of St. Anne’s Catholic College to consider expansion of the school by 300 places.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Service Director for Children and Families to engage with the Regional School Commissioner and the Department for Education to consider alternatives and options for the operation and funding of the construction of the new secondary school.

(iv)  The outcomes of any proposals following consultation with the Council’s Capital Board be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting for approval.

(v)  To note that the Service Director – Finance & Commercialisation has delegated authority to vary the Secondary School Expansion scheme within the Education Capital Programme in response to any change in requirements around the specification of the projects following consultation within the approved overall funding of the scheme.