Issue - meetings

Provision of an Integrated Advice, Information and Guidance Service

Meeting: 18/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 52)

52 Provision of an Integrated Advice, Information and Guidance Service pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council implementing a unified approach to the Council’s investment in the Voluntary Sector, attached. 

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (CAB 16/17 18649)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the recommendation to proceed with a procurement of an integrated AIG (Advice, Information and Guidance) service.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality & Integration to carry out a procurement process for the provision for AIG (Advice, Information and Guidance) services as set out in this report and to enter into contracts in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality & Integration following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members to decide on the final model of commissioned services for Advice, Information and Guidance (AIG) and all decision making in relation to this re-commissioning.

(iv)  To delegate to the Chief Strategy Officer, following consultation with relevant cabinet members and following an option appraisal, the authority to approve the inclusion of SID (Southampton Information Directory) in the appropriate procurement exercise.

(v)  To authorise the Director of Quality and Integration to take all necessary actions to implement the proposals contained in this report.


NOTE: Councillor Hammond declared a personal prejudicial interest and left the meeting taking no part in the decision.