Issue - meetings

Chief Internal Auditor Annual Report & Opinion 2015-16

Meeting: 06/06/2016 - Governance Committee (Item 4)

Chief Internal Auditor Annual Report & Opinion 2015 - 2016

Report of the Chief Internal Auditor's detailing the Annual Report and Opinion for 2015 - 2016 on assurances in respect of the governance, control and risk environment within the Council.

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The Committee considered the report of the Chief Internal Auditor detailing the Chief Internal Auditor Annual Report and Opinion for 2015/2016.  It was noted that the report concluded that Southampton City Council’s Framework of Governance, Risk Management and Control was adequate, however the Committee raised concern as to the ongoing issues with PARIS and non-residential billing.



(i)  That the Chief Internal Auditor Annual Report and Opinion 2015/2016 be approved; and

(ii)  That a report be submitted to the November meeting providing a detailed analysis of the ongoing issues with PARIS and non-residential billing.