Issue - meetings

Executive Business Report

Meeting: 16/09/2015 - Council (Item 44)

44 Executive Business pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council, attached.

Additional documents:


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.


The Leader announced a change in delegated authority for functions in that Councillor Kaur would now lead on the City’s response to the refugee crisis and that Councillor Payne would therefore assume the responsibility for community safety.


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to Questions.


The following questions were then submitted in accordance with Council procedure Rule 11.1


1.  Southampton Football Club – subsidised bus travel


Question from Councillor Keogh to Councillor Rayment


Can the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport please update members on whether any recent discussions have taken place with Southampton Football Club to re-introduce subsidised bus travel on match days and is there any possibility of extending the match day parking restrictions to those roads being unfairly affected by match day parking, particularly in my ward Peartree?




The Football Club have been advised of the Council’s formal position which is that all requirements under the Section 106 agreement should be met. If the Football Club is seeking to amend the Section 106, they will need to submit a Deed of Variation application. The Council understands that the Football Club is intending to pursue this option. If any changes are proposed via a Deed of Variation, planning will be looking for something of equal value or equal impact in its place. Legal Services have advised that the application would need to be considered by the Planning and Rights of Way Panel.


The existing match day parking restrictions were set up as part of the Section 106 agreement when the stadium was originally built. The Council could not retrospectively require that the Football Club contribute to the cost of additional match day parking restrictions.


2.  Safeguarding


Question from Councillor Pope to Councillor Jeffery


At August Cabinet, in response to questions from a member of the public on the lack of stability of social workers, and yet more overspends on safeguarding, Cllr Chaloner admitted that Southampton City Council has failed over a number of years to protect children. How many (i) children (ii) families, have continued to have been failed by the Labour-run Council and its safeguarding partners in each ward of the City since May 2012? How can the public have any faith in the latest plans to address these concerns now, when all previous plans have failed?




The Council is working effectively to safeguard 4492 children in need including those on child protection plans and another 625 children in care.  We are not knowingly failing any children and we have developed a comprehensive MASH as a single point of entry to ensure the safeguarding of all children.


3.  Priorities in Portfolio


Question from Councillor Pope to Councillor Kaur


Please place the following choices in your Portfolio in order of priority, most important first:


1. Meeting targets for revenue generated by properly marketing visits to the Sea City Museum  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44