Issue - meetings

Questions from members to Cabinet Members

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 3)

Questions from Members to Cabinet Members

To consider any questions to the Executive from Members of the Council submitted on notice.


The following questions were submitted:-


  1. 20mph pilot in Maybush


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Rayment – Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport


Can the Cabinet Member provide an update on the 20mph pilot in Maybush?  When might the results of the pilot be available and when might further 20mph be introduced?  Residents in Freemantle are pushing for a timescale and I would like to be able to update them?




The collection and collation of all relevant data from the pilot will take place during July 2014.  The information gathered with then be analysed with a view to making the results available to residents in September 2014.  A decision on the further roll out of 20mph zones / limits will need to be informed both by the results of the pilots and the potential costs and extent of a wider roll out.  These factors will be presented to Members for consideration after the conclusion and publication of the outcomes from the pilot scheme.


  1. Residents Parking Survey


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Rayment – Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport


The Council has recently undertaken a residents' parking survey which attracted around 3300 responses. Residents are keen to know what the next steps are and when any changes might be formally consulted upon and introduced. Previously the Council stated that a report would come to Cabinet in the Summer. Officers are suggesting a Cabinet Report in August. The Forward Plan has been published for the period ending 30th September and no item has been included for the parking policy. In light of this can the Cabinet Member clarify the process and timescales?




The results of the survey are now available and will be shared with all Councillors in the next few weeks as well as then uploaded onto the Council’s website.  In summary, the results indicate that no zone has requested the removal of permit restrictions removed and generally speaking there is little consensus that any significant change is required.


Analysis is still being undertaken on a road by road level to determine if there are local cases where change is supported. 


We will be consulting with ward members and residents on the roads where changes have been requested with a view to developing a set of recommendations.  This will be an iterative process depending on the response to the consultation and at this stage it is not possible to give a firm date for formulation of these recommendations.


We will also, in the next few weeks, be launching a citywide consultation on Resident Parking Zones via the website.  This will take the form of a web based survey (with paper copies available on request), the purpose of which is to identify the impact of Resident Parking Zones on other residents outside of the zone and to highlight areas not in a zone that may wish to be considered for inclusion.


Once the next round of consultation has been concluded a firm date will be set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3