Issue - meetings

Paris 5.1 Upgrade

Meeting: 17/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 8)

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Report of the Cabinet Member of Resources seeking approval of funding for the upgrade of City Councils Care Management System Paris.


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 14/15 12731)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the addition of £300,000 to the Health and Adult Social Care Capital Programme in 2014/15 for the upgrade of the Council’s Social Care system from Paris 4.4 to Paris 5.1. This will be funded by Council resources made available through the un-ring fenced Personal Social Services Capital grant.

(ii)  To approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £300,000 in 2014/15 to facilitate the upgrade of the Paris system from 4.4 to 5.1.