Issue - meetings

Late Night Levy - Consultation

Meeting: 15/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Late Night Levy - Consultation pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services on the proposals for the late night levy design for consultation purposes, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 13/14 12594 )


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and having received representations from a local resident, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To consider and agree the proposals for the levy design for consultation purposes as set out in this report and as detailed below:

a.  The late-night supply period to run from one minute past midnight to 6am

b.  Exemptions from the levy will include:

·  Premises with overnight accommodation (but not where bars are open to the public/non residents);

·  Theatres and cinemas;

·  Bingo halls;

·  Community Amateur Sports Clubs;

·  Community Premises; and

·  Premises only open on New Year’s Eve

c.  Exemptions from the levy will not include:

·  Country Village Pubs; and

·  Business Improvement Districts.

d.  Reductions of the levy will not be granted for Council accredited  business-led best practice schemes

e.  Reductions of the levy will notbe granted for small businesses

(ii)  To consult on:

a.  the need for a Levy Board to advise on levy spend/priorities; and

b.  a range of activities on which to spend the levy which are or may be provided to tackle the late night alcohol related crime and disorder, and community safety services connected to the management of the night time economy, including:

·  Night time economy management;

·  Taxi marshalling;

·  ICE bus;

·  CCTV improvements;

·  Street cleaning;

·  Enforcement initiatives;

·  Personal safety initiatives; and

·  Providing temporary public conveniences.

(iii)  To delegate the final format of the consultation document to the Head of Legal & Democratic Services after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities.

(iv)  To note the arrangements for the operation of a late night levy with a target date for implementation of 1st February 2015.