Issue - meetings

Implementation of an Integrated Commissioning Unit between the Southampton City Council People Directorate and Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group

Meeting: 15/10/2013 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Implementation of an Integrated Commissioning Unit between the Southampton City Council People Directorate and Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, seeking approval to proceed with the implementation of an Integrated Commissioning unit between the People Directorate and Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group, attached.  

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 13/14 11369)

On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member forMember for Health and Adult Social Care, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To consider the consultation feedback on the establishment of an Integrated Commissioning Unit.

(ii)  To approve the establishment of an Integrated Commissioning Unit.

(iii)  To note that there will be an additional cost to the Council due to the establishment of the Integrated Commissioning Unit of £90,800 from 2014/15 onwards which will be addressed as part of the development of the budget. 

(iv)  To approve as a last resort a draw from the General Fund Revenue Budget contingency for the in year pressure in 2013/14 which cannot be managed within existing resources or from the savings to be delivered, as set out in paragraph 28.

(v)  To delegate authority to the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services, following consultation with the Director of People, to agree and execute the Memorandum of Understanding