Issue - meetings

*Townhill Park Regeneration- scheme approval for phases 2 & 3, and update on phase 1.

Meeting: 19/11/2013 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 *Townhill Park Regeneration- scheme approval for phases 2 & 3, and update on phase 1. pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability seeking approval to progress delivery of phases 2 and 3 of Townhill Park regeneration, and to update on phase 1 approved scheme, attached

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 13/14 11351)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability and having received representations from a member of the public, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £1.75M, phased £1.081M in 2014/15, £56,000 in 2015/16, £13,000 in 2016/17, £200,000 in 2017/18 and £400,000 in later years, for the advancement of design work on Phases 2 and 3 of the Townhill Park regeneration to achieve planning consent, procurement and for the contract supervision of the building phase, which will be funded from an existing unapproved budget within the Estate Regeneration section of the HRA Capital Programme.

(ii)  To note that the cost of the design work on Phase 1 of the Townhill Park regeneration to achieve planning consent, procurement and the contract supervision of the building phase, estimated at £950,000, will be funded from an approved budget within the Estate Regeneration section of the HRA Capital Programme.

(iii)  To approve the commissioning of Capita to carry out the full design service to support the council in the delivery of Phases 1, 2 and 3 of Townhill Park regeneration according to their submission.  The commission and subsequent payments will be revised if the full design commission is not implemented.

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Economy following consultation with the Chief Financial Officer, the Head of Legal HR and Democratic Services, the Senior Head of Property and Procurement and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability to appoint Capita to undertake the full Design Service to support the delivery of Phases 1, 2 and 3 according to the agreed Work Package

(v)  To delegate authority to the Head of Housing Services to implement the current redevelopment decant policy for Council tenants

(vi)  To delegate authority to the Head of Legal HR and Democratic Services to

a)  Negotiate and acquire by agreement any legal interests or rights held in respect of the parcel of land shown edged red in Appendix 2 not already owned by the Council (being Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the Townhill Park study area) using such acquisition powers as he advises

b)  To serve Initial Demolition Notices on those secure tenants whose properties lie in the redevelopment area

(vii)  To note that part of the first stage of the Capita work will include investigation and evaluation of various options for the delivery model of the proposed development including their impact on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).  The options include:

a)  A model where a developer is procured to build the whole site and the Council buys back the affordable housing units

b)  A model where the Council acts as developer and uses a contractor to build but retains responsibility for the marketing and sales of the private units

(viii)  To note that a budget of £3.9M has previously been approved for the purchase of leasehold properties in Phases 2 and 3.

(ix)  To note the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68