Decision details

Decommissioning and Acquisition polices and the Decommissioning Plan for Townhill Park Regeneration

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval of the new Decommissioning and Acquisition policies and Decommissiong Plan for Townhill Park Regeneration following the public consultation.


(i)  To consider and determine the proposals in light of the report on the outcome of the consultation and the comments received in response to that consultation.

(ii)  Subject to (i) above, to review and accept the proposed revisions to the Draft Decommissioning of Housing Stock Policy and the Draft Acquisition and Compulsory Purchase Orders Policy as detailed in sections 16 and 17 of this paper:

a) To amend the Draft Decommissioning Policy at section 33 to provide clarification on tenants’ right to return.

b) To amend the Draft Decommissioning of Housing Stock Policy and the Draft Acquisition and Compulsory Purchase Order Policy to remove the offer of increased compensation payments to incentive voluntary agreements.


(iii)  Subject to (i) and (ii) above, to approve the proposed Decommissioning of Housing Stock Policy and the proposed Acquisition and Compulsory Purchase Orders Policy contained in Appendix 1 and 2.

(iv)  Subject to receipt of Secretary of State consent where required, To approve the proposed Decommissioning Plan for the remaining properties in Townhill Park Regeneration Scheme contained in Appendix 3.

(v)  Subject to approval of (iv), to delegate to the Head of Capital Assets, following  consultation with the Leader and Service Director, Adults, Housing and Communities approval of further changes to the order of the Decommissioning Plan for Townhill Park Regeneration Scheme contained in Appendix 3, subject to any necessary statutory consultation. 

Reasons for the decision:

1  The introduction of new policies to support regeneration and the regeneration of Townhill Park will support the council to deliver on its agreed priorities and outcomes.  Regeneration will improve housing quality and help ensure that we have the right mix of housing to help people in Southampton live safe, healthy, independent lives.  It will also help to improve the look and feel of the city, helping Southampton to be a modern, attractive city where people are proud to live and work

2  The Southampton Compact Code of Good Practice states that, where appropriate, the council should consult with residents, tenants and stakeholders for a period of 12 weeks.  In addition, It is a statutory requirement to hold consultation with tenants who are likely to be substantially affected by matters of housing management in accordance with the requirements of the Housing Acts. 

3  The Council’s Decanting Policy was last revised in 2013 and required up-dating. The update includes separating the two aspects of the policy: decommissioning of housing stock and acquisition of leasehold/freehold property into two separate policies for clarity.  The majority of changes proposed are to increase clarity, but also to increase the efficient use of the Council’s housing stock where decommissioning is required. 

4  Townhill Park is a large scale phased regeneration scheme, with phase 1 previously decommissioned.  It is now proposed to commence decommissioning the remainder of the estate to make way for further regeneration.  The proposed decommissioning plan which contains revisions from the original takes into account:

  Replacing the blocks that are most expensive to repair

  Generate capital receipts for the Council in order to fund the infrastructure improvements

  The need to complete the new ‘Village Green’ before the 277th unit can be occupied (planning condition)

  Attempting to take a sensible approach to the order of construction whilst seeking to achieve a net gain of affordable units at the earliest practical point. 

Alternative options considered:

1  The Council’s Decanting Policy was last revised in 2013. The option to not update the policy and continue with the existing policy has been considered. However, it is recommended that the policy requires updating to support and deliver improvement and regeneration of the city. 

2  The option to refresh the policy, continuing as a single ‘Decanting Policy’ was considered and rejected. It is recommended that the two elements previously covered in a single policy (decommissioning of housing stock and acquisition of leasehold/freehold property) are divided into two separate policies for clarity.

3  Townhill Park Regeneration scheme has already been approved in principle and has outline planning consent for a comprehensive approach.  The council could choose not to proceed with the remainder of the regeneration, but this is not considered desirable to the renewal and expansion of housing supply in the city.

Report author: Sue Jones

Publication date: 14/11/2017

Date of decision: 14/11/2017

Decided at meeting: 14/11/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 23/11/2017

Accompanying Documents: